By now you have no doubt heard about that age old debate between computer users: Windows vs. Mac OS. This isn’t anything new and both systems have their pros and cons. This doesn’t mean that they are identical, though, and the truth is that you are probably going to be better served by one system over the other. Take a look at the features of both Windows and Mac that we will show you in this article and then make up your mind for yourself.
You shouldn’t choose windows, if you are really worried about security. If you are a Windows user, then you already know about computer viruses. For some reason, users of a Mac are less likely to get a virus, but mainly the majority of people are using Windows. Spyware and malware have the same type of results. It will cost extra time and money, when you have a Windows OS, because you will have to have an anti-virus software, and it will need to be updated regularly The threats will be much fewer when you have a Mac, but it is still wise to take precautions. When you reveal your own data to a scam artist or hacker, you are causing security issues by your own actions, and you should always remember that. There are many issues that would never happen, if you used common sense, and it doesn’t matter what computer.
Aside from price, the main advantage of Windows is that it gives you more choices and the ability to customize. In terms of Mac, you only have one company: Apple. PC computers, on the other hand, are manufactured by all sorts of companies from the huge and easily recognizable to the small and rarely seen.
The advantage of this is that you can build a PC piece by piece if you want. You can go online, for example, and buy a custom system, which not only allows you to save money, but also ensures that you’re only getting exactly what you need. Macs come with plenty of their own benefits, but buying one pretty much commits you to whatever is in the box.
You shouldn’t buy your computer totally because of the way it looks, but it is important to most people. There are a lot of people who end up getting a Mac, because they like the way it looks. High functioning products that looked nice, as well as being ergonomic, have always been the goal of Apple, and that is where their design efforts have been focused. If you were wondering why most other brands were less expensive than Apple products, this could be the reason. As long as you are willing to take the time to look, you can find an appealing computer that is Windows-based. It is important to consider, but still the design of a computer isn’t the most important factor. The above points regarding Windows vs Mac OS are just some of the things you should consider before making a choice. If you have been having a hard time making up your mind, it’s a good idea to visit one of the larger computer stores, including maybe your local Apple store if one is convenient where you live. You’ll find that it’s easier to make a final decision once you’ve gotten up close and personal with all of your options.